Structure of the sessions

The introduction on Alice 3 follows the free online ebook Alice 3 - How To Guide. The book is in PDF format, so you can download it and work with it even without Internet connection.

Here on this post you find additional information and examples that you can use.

Session 2 covers the first part of Setting Up a Scene, Chapter 2

  • How to position, orient, and resize objects (Section 1)
  • Adding an object to a scene (Section 2)
  • Setting object properties in the Scene editor (Section 3)
  • How to set atmospheric properties in a scene (Section 4)
  • Positioning sub-parts in Scene editor (Section 7)
  • Precise positioning with one-shots (Section 10)

How to use the New Axes object to visualize sub-part / joint movements

When working with sub-parts, in particular for bipeds, you are faced with a lot of joints and it is difficult to find them and identify their orientation. The later you need to know in order to move, turn, and roll them.

A trick is to create an instance of the object type Axes and then link it to the joint you want to explore.

  1. Create a new axes object by clicking on New Axes() to call the constructor for an instance of this class.
  2. Go to the Object inspector on the right side and select with “Vehicule” the object or sub-part you want to attach the New Axes object.
  3. As an alternative to 2., you can also use the method moveAndORientTo in code or with one shots. But this axes instance will not follow the movements you apply to your joint.
  4. You are done, now the axes are attached to the joint, and you can easily predict how to do rolls, rotations and other movements. You may resize the axes before you start your trials. The one shots are the perfect tool to define the movements and see immediately what happens.
  5. Don’t forget to record your movements, so that you can later easily code them in the Code editor.

Use of instance of New Axes to Visualize joint movements
